Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated in Canada, the United States, some of the Caribbean islands, and Liberia. It began as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and bounties of the preceding year. Prayers of thanks and special thanksgiving ceremonies are common among almost all religions after harvests – they just have different names. Although Thanksgiving has historical roots in religious and cultural traditions, it has long been celebrated as a secular holiday as well.
Ask any young and urban Indian what ‘Thanksgiving’ means, and they'll give you details from all the American TV series they've seen - be it FRIENDS, How I Met Your Mother, or even Modern Family. Yes, it's a festival, and quite American at that. But if you think it's a Christian festival, then you're wrong. Thanksgiving is in fact a secular festival, and has its origins in the 17th century, when the America was slowly being colonised by the British, and other European nations.
The need to connect with loved ones and to express our gratitude is at the heart of all this feasting festival. Thanksgiving is celebrated world over with equal fervour and euphoria. It conveys the universal feeling of being thankful to Lord Almighty for his continuous grace. India is a multi-lingual, multi-cultural and a secular country known for its 'Unity in Diversity'. With the spread of western culture, Thanksgiving is celebrated in quite a few parts of India too.
Life can be very trying and it's hard to find something for which you can be thankful. So, for just a few minutes on Thanksgiving Day, step outside your situation and just "be". Find something, no matter how small, to be thankful for, because in giving thanks, you will be lightening your load, even if for only a moment. Thanksgiving is the time to acknowledge and be thankful to the Almighty God for his Grace bestowed upon us!
Come to think of it, Thanksgiving thoughts are the kind of thoughts that we should have all year long. For it is the folks with thankful hearts whose lives are filled with song!
Let us all pay thanks or express our gratitude and thankfulness to our close and dear ones with Thanksgiving messages on this common platform of E Mega Mart India.Conveying a message of thankfulness is a great way of expressing love and care, so celebrate Thanksgiving Day by expressing your gratitude to your dear ones with a lovely Thanksgiving Day Message!
Send in your Messages for Thanksgiving Day to us and we shall publish it along with your name and the name of your loved ones on this page.
Imagine how delighted your dear ones will be to see the open declaration of your love and concern for them! So go ahead and think of all people who have helped you in one way or the other and say a word of thanks to them!